Articles in the announcement category

🛠️ Workshops

I’ll be running hands-on workshops where readers and fans can come together to help each other get unblocked wherever we’re at, from thinking about self-hosting to improving smooth-running servers and services. The workshops will focus on fundamental concepts, tools, and techniques from the book, although having and having …

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🌏 Global

The standard quality paperback is now in global distribution. That means my printer will get it out to many places folks can actually pick it up, flip through it, and buy it.

I learned the hard way that self-publishing is hard (ok, I was warned, I did it anyway). One …

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📖 Paperback

The paperback is ready!

You may buy one today.


I currently use Lulu print on demand.

I took my time experimenting with Lulu. They offer many choice combinations as far as materials and quality. I formatted and tested a few and landed on two versions: A “standard” economical and …

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📖 Ebook

The book is done and I’m excited to set it loose!

I wanted to share paper copies first but printing this baby is challenging. It’s probably me: I want it to look great, I’m self-publishing, and I’m doing all this for the first time. So yeah …

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🎙️ LibrePlanet

I will be delivering my talk, “Steadfast Self-Hosting” on Sunday, May 5, 2024, 16:00—16:45 EDT (20:00 UTC), at the LibrePlanet 2024 conference, and I hope you’ll check it out!

LibrePlanet is a conference about software freedom, happening on May 4 & 5, 2024. The event is …

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👀 Beta

Early access to Steadfast Self-Hosting

The beta is now full and closed to new participants. Thank you for your interest. Original invite text preserved for posterity, below.

You’re invited! Be a part of a select group of individuals with the power to make a great book excellent. This is …

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📑 Content

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    Welcome, copyright, prerequisites, style.
  2. Background
    Reasoning, inspiration, motivation, author info, deeper meaning.
  3. Your journey
    Why you should or should not self-host.
  4. Practical examples
    Examples validating self-hosting.
  5. Plan
    Budget, resources, schedule, transition, user support.
  6. System design
    Service stack, security, operating system.
  7. Implementation
    How to prepare your server …

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Copyright ©2024, Adam Monsen. Some rights reserved. Content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.