πŸ“‘ Content

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    Welcome, copyright, prerequisites, style.
  2. Background
    Reasoning, inspiration, motivation, author info, deeper meaning.
  3. Your journey
    Why you should or should not self-host.
  4. Practical examples
    Examples validating self-hosting.
  5. Plan
    Budget, resources, schedule, transition, user support.
  6. System design
    Service stack, security, operating system.
  7. Implementation
    How to prepare your server for mario and perform maintenance.
  8. mario
    How to provision your server (prepare it for running services).
  9. Services
    How to run Nextcloud and a few other self-hosted services.
  10. What's next?
    Ideas for future learning, homelab projects, improvements.
  11. More resources
    Source code, contact info, support, alternatives to this book.
  12. Discussion topics
    Conversation starters for a group of readers.
  13. Exercises
    Applied usage ideas for a group of readers.
  14. More about FOSS
    Further reasoning, inspiration, motivation for the Steadfast method.


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