⁉️ FAQ

Great job!

Thank you!

How much is it? Where do I get it?

See 💵 Buy.

I found a bug / typo

You rock. Will you please let me know about it and/or send me a patch?

I added ten services to mario

You rock. Will you share what you did here?

Why can’t I get the book on my bookseller/platform/device?

Because I have issues. It’s lot of work, some promote DRM, they track you, it costs money, stuff like that.

When can I get one printed on actual paper?

Now. See 💵 Buy.

Where’s the party?

We should do one! I was kinda waiting for printed copies to be ready; those would be really handy for in-person gatherings.

Yay, AGPL / ugh, AGPL

Yep, I hear you!

I bought the book, it is rad, what next?

Buy one to share with a friend. Talk to your local school or public librarian to request a copy or buy one for them.

I don’t like the book

Dang! I tried my best. Please let me know why you didn’t like it. Consider sharing your thoughts publicly. You can also improve it or write a better one.

I can translate this, and I want to!

Great! See 💻 Code.

Wait, it is FOSS, I can pay for it and it is free? Why are you leaving money on the table? How can you afford to do this?

Those are excellent questions. Briefly:

  1. Yes it is FOSS and you can pay what you’re able & willing to to buy it, hopefully I’m not leaving money on the table
  2. if I am leaving money on the table it’s because I’m prioritizing distribution over profit, and
  3. I kinda can’t afford to do this. 😆 But it sure is fun!

The detailed explanation is, well, detailed. If you’re interested I could explain it over coffee or on a podcast or something.

Where has this been mentioned?

Copyright ©2024, Adam Monsen. Some rights reserved. Content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.