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I currently use Lulu print on demand.

I took my time experimenting with Lulu. They offer many choice combinations as far as materials and quality. I formatted and tested a few and landed on two versions: A “standard” economical and good-looking print, as well as a “premium” print with better ink and less print variance.

Here are some photos of actual prints. I saw most obvious differences in the color photos and illustrations. The content changed a bit between prints, so ignore differences like “Figure 7” vs. “Figure 8”. Ignore object distortion, too; that’s me trying to line up the shots by hand.

Traefik gopher logo - standard quality
Traefik gopher logo - standard quality. From the MIT-licensed Traefik source code. Credit to Peka for the gopher logo, licensed CC-BY-3.0.
Traefik gopher logo - premium quality
Traefik gopher logo - premium quality. From the MIT-licensed Traefik source code. Credit to Peka for the gopher logo, licensed CC-BY-3.0.
Server in the shape of a loaf of bread - standard quality
Server in the shape of a loaf of bread - standard quality.
Server in the shape of a loaf of bread - premium quality
Server in the shape of a loaf of bread - premium quality.

These photos capture how the premium ink shines a bit in direct light. I like the effect, but YMMV.

I can’t comment on variance between prints/printers, that’s up to Lulu. Please see the Lulu printing quality FAQ.

Offset printing looks cool too but I’m not ready for that level of scale and commitment.

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