πŸ‹οΈ Strong

πŸ“¬ If you want to stay in touch, join my mailing list. Imagine the sound of me cheering as you do.

πŸ—οΈ How’s your self-hosting journey going? Is your server running? Is it awesome? I’d like to hear all about it!

❓ Stuck? Come to an in person workshop. I’ll be in Portland at FOSSY this Saturday.

⁉️ Still stuck? Check out my new howto video.

πŸš€ Got a new service of your own to share? I shared a Pi-hole extension to mario and I intend to share more.

🐞 Found a bug? Send me a patch. Be a part of [possibly the first] self-hosting [book’s commit] history! I’ve done a few releases already, and I’ll incorporate all the latest fixes and improvements in the next release.

πŸ’ž Loved the book? Please give me a positive rating/review wherever you buy books (not necessarily where you got it). I need your help spreading the word!

πŸ–‹οΈ Want me to sign your book? I’d love to. Come to a workshop, like the one this weekend at FOSSY.

πŸ“– Paperbacks are available direct from the printer. You can buy a copy from many other booksellers as well or request it at your local library.


Author’s note: I also emailed this to readers and posted it on Gumroad.

Copyright ©2024, Adam Monsen. Some rights reserved. Content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.